All You Wanted to Know And More
When will my order arrive?
The majority of our orders will arrive within 3-5 working days. Some products can be done quicker (as fast as within 2 days), To check if your order can be expedited, please get in touch. Please be aware that this may incur an extra cost.
Where do you ship to?
We will ship our products all over the world, however, the website only ships to England, Scotland and Wales. If you are looking to order from outside these regions, please email us at sales@printworthy.co.uk.
How much is delivery?
We charge £7.99 for delivery on orders under £250 in value. If you have ordered more than £250 then delivery is free.
What is your return policy?
We do not accept returns on products that are fit for purpose and match your instruction. For any faulty goods we will replace with the same specification and quantity free of charge.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Paypal, Card or BACS. For payment by card or BACS, please place your order and a member of the team will be in touch.
Do you proof the artwork?
If we are creating it, yes we will. If you supply print-ready, we only proof if you ask for one. We will do our best to spot issues, but cannot be held liable for mistakes that go through on unchecked artwork.
What format do you need for artwork?
We ideally need a PDF or JPEG with 300dpi and 3mm bleed settings. If you are in doubt, ask the team before sending.
How do I send my artwork?
If the file is lower than 20mb, you should be able to email it to us directly. Failing that, use www.wetransfer.com